Feb '23

CV kit

The CV kit is a SaaS tool that allows companies to manage their employees corporate CV and present teams to clients.
CV kit mockup on Apple devices
CV kit mockup on Apple devices
CV kit mockup on Apple devices
Technologies/Frameworks used
Behind the scenes

How did I tackle this project?

Initial problem

As an agency, the struggle of x-amount of emails and meetings to propose a team for a project probably sounds familiar. In the past, I had to manually update a Word/PowerPoint document with my latest projects & skills.

Although this approach works, it is not very consistent nor user-friendly for your staff. That’s why I tried to come up with a web solution to manage all corporate employee CVs.

My solution

With KirbyCMS, I build an online environment where admins can manage all CVs with one consistent layout. It’s also possible to combine multiple employees as a team to propose for a client project.

With one URL, clients have access to all info they might want to know about employees that were proposed for their project. As an HR employee, I can quickly filter employees on name or function and have access to info I might need.

  • Store employee info
  • Filter employees on name/function
  • Propose employees for client project
  • Authentication with roles system
CV kit employee profile on iPhone

Are you also struggling with employee CVs?

The CV kit might be the solution you are looking for. Let's have a chat.